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Nice Game!


How do you install the R18 patch?  I have it; I just can't figure out what to do with it.  Thank you!


(1 edit) (+1)

(Major spoilers for Kyoko's route, so using ROT-13.)

V ernyyl rawblrq guvf tnzr, ohg V'z nyfb n ovg obgurerq ol Lhzr'f ivbyngvba bs Xlbxb'f gehfg. Gnxvat gur FQ pneq ubzr naq pbclvat gubfr cvpgherf gb ure pbzchgre jnf pyrneyl abg bxnl jvgu Xlbxb. Naq yngre, jura Lhzr qerj Xlbxb ernyvfgvpnyyl rabhtu gb vqragvsl ure naq frag gur qenjvat gb Xblbzv (abg xabjvat fur'f Xlbxb), gung gbb jnf n ivbyngvba bs gehfg. V qb jvfu gung unq orra nqqerffrq zber va gur tnzr guna gur oevrs "url, ab bar ryfr unf frra gung, evtug?" rkpunatr. Orpnhfr vs Xlbxb naq Xblbzv jrera'g gur fnzr crefba, gur gehgu jbhyq'ir orra qvssrerag.

Nalubj, abg gb gnxr njnl sebz jung jnf n qryvtugshy IA, whfg gung V srry gubfr vffhrf qrfreir gb or qvfphffrq.  :)


I wasn't sure what to expect from this game, knowing that so much of girl x girl content is fetishizing and plain awful. This turned out to be a feel-good game, at least in my opinion, with comfy slice of life type action about working in an (eventually) all-girl  office, an accepting and non-homophobic father figure, and wanting women. The game also touched upon the atmosphere around lgb issues in Japan and what it may be like to live as gay there (it's not always very easy). Despite this, the overall feeling of the game stayed light-hearted - something I very much welcome, being gay myself, as concentrating too much on discrimination and angst would have easily resulted in a feel-bad game. The gameplay itself was decent, and the voice acting somewhat amusing at times (it's not necessarily a bad thing). I'm happy I gave this game a chance and will be looking forward to playing the other two routes as well.

hey thanks for your kind words! Always appreciated!



The description says the game is compatible with a patch, I assume referencing the existence of a patch that enables the content that is not all ages appropriate, but I have not been able to find any other reference to said patch in my searching.  Is the patch still available, and if so where?


Deleted 4 years ago
Deleted 2 years ago

The link goes to the wrong file, but the URL itself is correct. Copy and paste it to get the correct file.  :)


The name of this game is so clever. Like. Oh my god.